Wednesday, January 11, 2006

moving again, but not into our house, yet.

Monday I went for a ride with Shaz. i think she may have forgiven me for abandoning her on our last planned ride. Anyway, we drove out to a so called less hilly area, where our ride started with a hill. Perhaps she has not forgiven me. We rode for about 35 mins all up, arriving back at the car after being saturated by rogue rain we thought we had avoided. 35 mins at warp speed shaz was still enough to cause me to shake and almost pass out a few times whilst loading the car back up. Hmmm. Must get better at revovery on the bike.

Dropped my bike into Panther Cycles, where our pal Andy works, to get all my cables tightened, and my seat fixed (it started coming apart).

Yeserday the weather turned hot again (steamy, actually) and I went for a swim with George and Sally in Clovelly beach. Its an artificial reef where loads of fish hang out, and we got snorkels and cruised around looking for gropers. We eventually found a small one, which was still pretty big, and i followed it around until my ears hurt from swimming down to it. We only stayed for an hour as the water was disgusting due to runoff from the recent rains.

Tomorrow I'll pick up my bike, go for a ride with Shaz, then Mikl and I are leaving for Mt Boffalo in Victoria for 7 days. We got the news yesterday that we can't move in until next Thursday at the earliest, so I'll move all my stuff back to George and Sallys (we have worn out our welcome here). I have a lot to do today, and the weather god has decided to make it 38 degrees (hot!).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, damnit, I'm going to be at Buffalo next weekend - you guys will be gone by then though :(

11:22 pm  
Blogger The Goo said...

How does an artificial reef work?

6:54 am  

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