Friday, June 27, 2008

Toddler Alert!

Today, i am at the Hahn-Meitner Institut in Berlin, preparing for an experiment that starts on Monday.

On the way here I stopped off to visit my nephew, brother, and his wife Li in Singapore where they live. It was great to see them again, Jonathon my nephew is growing up very quickly. He is 23 months old, which makes him very amusing and his favourite words are no and car. He is car obsessed, and I mean, obsessed. Li told me she was in a taxi with him and he said his other favourite sentence "whats that mummy?" pointing to a motorbike, and she said "its a scooter", thinking it was a scooter, and Jonathon YELLED at her VERY LOUDLY "NO MUMMY, NO!" (please note excessive use of favourite word here) "NO ITS NOT MUMMY. ITS A MOTORBIKE". Li said the driver had a laughing fit that nearly caused them all to die.

My brother Richard took the day off from work and we tried to take Jonathon out of rthe day, but he usually naps between 1 and 3pm, so when 12.30 rolled around he started getting CRANKY. Big time. We didn't bring the pram, so he had nowhere to sleep, and he got progressively worse and worse until he started screaming and crying uncontrollably and my brother just picked him up and threw him over his shoulder ala caveman. I suggested we head home so he could have a nap, but he was asleep like so much dead meat before we got there. As soon as we got him into bed he woke up and demanded that we "GO OUT AND RIDE IN A CAR. NOW. NOW DADDY. NOW. I WANT THE CAR> I NEED THE CAR. I NEED IT, DADDY". He eventually went back to sleep. The first words out of his mouth when he awoke, three hours later, were "I NEED THE CAR DADDY. OUT WITH THE CAR".

Jonathon likes to arrange things obsessively to. His cars all have to be in a row, either side by side, but sometimes lengthwise in a row. Don't touch them, they are his. And you don't know how they go. When he drinks some milk before he goes to sleep, he needs:
the green turtle in his left hand which HE will put beside his head. If you do it, this will not be satisfactory. he needs the pencil case with cars on it in his right hand, and he will clutch the bottle in both hands with the pencil case in tow. he likes to have the bottle cap balanced on his right foot, for all this to work. he hasn't worked out he has two hands only, and in order to put the cap on his foot, his shoes need to be off, and the turtle has to already be behind his head. But he wants all of this to happen at once, and he wants to do it himself. So you have to trick him.

I told my brother that I expected an interesting child from his genetic stock.

Last thing - my flight from Singapore to Munich (13 hours) was on a plane with NO INSEAT SCREENS. What the?! Lufthansa. Me cranky! And two toddlers in the aisle next to me, which were no problem at all except for their mum, who was totally annoying the crap out of me. I don't know how they cope!


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