Friday, March 31, 2006

Zinc is not my friend

As I have had a fight with Zinc, I have been forging ahead with some Copper based compounds that seem to be progressing nicely. Secretly happy with my plans, it looks like I will actually have some results within the next few months - yay! I made one very complicated thing, which has a unit cell size of 30 x 30 x 80 (this is quite big). I think there are 60 atoms in the asymmetric unit cell. Not the most atoms I've dealt with, but as it is so porous it is very big. Thus the unit cell is very complicated. Its also not cubic - but rhombohedral (trigonal in the hexagonal setting). Anyway - I'm all excited and couldn't sleep the other night because of it.

Also happy to discover that Karins mum is Australian. Very good news, will go and eat some Pavlova to celebrate.

Went to the climbing gym last night and did some yellows. This is good for me - haven't climbed yellows in a while - my hands felt good. I didn't want to push it so I only did two before stopping for the night. I had already climbed four greens though. I think yellow is about 5-10/easy 5-11. Not sure. Its inside so its hard to tell. I also did a spin class yesterday and Mikl has been to aerobics(!!!!!!) so we were both a bit sleepy and went to bed early. I woke up to find Mikl gone and that he had spent the night on the couch. He said I was all kicky in the night. Maybe my knees were hurting me?

The weather is turning slowly here (not like it does in the northern states), but I've started sleeping with a light blanket at night and wearing long sleeves when I go out at night.

In other knitting news I bought some bright coloured yarn for a pair of socks for my friend, and a shitload of baby wool for the products of my two pregnant friends. I'm trying to make booties with bunny ears, but its slightly more friustrating that my issue with the Zinc compounds.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Thought for the day

If you are so annoying to someone that they appear pissed off with you more than they laugh with you or enjoy your company it may not be the way forward for a long lasting friendship.

Like, dude, How wise am I?

Tour guiding

Friday night we cooked a roast chicken dinner for the friends that Mikl and I recently stayed with - and they bought their crazy Jack Russell. I was mega impressed that he didn't pee anywhere except outside -his training is coming along nicely. Another friend whom is single and I hadn't seen for a while came along too - I thought might be nice for Jody to hang out with. It was a good evening. Afterwards the single friend, Jody and Mikl and I went out to a 30th birthday party - it was reasonably good, except for a drunk guy who kept hitting on me and then when I told him I was married and pointed to Mikl he said - no way - and went over to Mikl and slurred a bunch of stuff at him. Very amusing. Late night.

Satuday Kev, Jody and I headed to the featherdale Wildlife Park" where you can pat and play with the Australian animals. It was great, but I missed climbing, although it was kind of rainy anyway.

Sunday Kirstin and Stacy, Jody's friends arrived. After picking them up from the airport I took them back home for tea and showers, then to a cafe for brunch, then to the zoo. The weather was magical - blue skies and crazy looking clouds. We took the ferry over to the zoo, which has amazing views back to the city skyline, and they saw loads of Aussie animals. Back across gorgeous harbour to the city, and to a cafe for dinner near my place. I drove them to their very swanky looking hotel in the city.

Monday I worked, but knocked off early to go with Mikl and the girls to the beach, which was awesome. I took them on my favourite walk along the seacliffs, and a recent cyclone was sitting off the coastline creating some really cool waves that some silly people were trying to surf, and a crowd had gatehred to watch them die. After ending with the sun setting over Bondi beach, we headed to an Italian sector of Sydney for dinner. Many bottles of wine were had, but mostly by me and Jody I think. After dropping the girls back to their hotel, Jody and Mikl and I went home for some much appreciated snoozing.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Zinc is annoying

Cu, however, is really very nice and friendly. It makes and breaks bonds when I merely suggest it. Zn is strong willed and rather grumpy.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Weekend update

The past week has been taken up mostly by preparations for a presentation I’m giving at the University this afternoon. I can’t wait to move onto something else, I’ve been very distracted with preparing the talk. I had a minor success in the lab last week, where I synthesized the other thing that I’ve been trying to make, but I haven’t had a chance to confirm that the thing is what its supposed to be, so I’m kind of keen. I have that all planned for tomorrow. I’ll let you know how I go.

I did mange to get away for the weekend, Mikl , Jody, and I went up to the blue mountains. Jody drove our second car awith me, and Mikl took our primary car up, that way when we left Jody up there she could drive between all the cute single climbers places. After a great days climbing on Saturday, we headed to Jean Jeanies place in Hartley Vale for an evening of much red wine and curry. Mikl and I, Mike and Robyn, Penny, Jean, and Jody all were there. Drank much and went to bed late. Sunday Jean went off sailing, Mikl went off climbing, and Jody went to look at the famous caves near the area, the Jenolan caves, while I sat around and went through the bloody presentation yet again.

That evening we drove back to ydney, stopping at Shaz’z place to watch her roll around the floor feeling sick (she is a month pregnant) with her daughter Emily jumping up and down on top of her. They are staying with Shaz’z parents for the moment but may have just rented a new place nearby all of their own, and I for one can appreciate (as I’m sure at leats Karin can too) that having their own space will be a truly great thing. I’m very exited for them.

We also stopped by George and Sally’s place and had dinner with them. I suddenly got very tired early on (all the stressing about the presentation, and perhaps a bit to do with the wine) and we left about 9.30pm. Shower, and straight to bed for me!

Now I’m back in at work and have found time to procrastinate in the form of writing this, a couple of hours befor ethe presentation. I also found out that many of the people I wanted to impress will not actually be here, so I’m a little disappointed, but that’s OK.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Weekend at home

I spent the entire weekend hanging not too far from my house, which is the first time I have done this in almost forever. With Mikl and Jody away and me being sick, I thought it the perfect time to catch up on house-cleaning, knitting, and some dedicated TV watching. I started out with good intentions, a friend dropped by and tried to take me to a movie. I said no, so they decided to stay, and we ordered in take-away food. Then two other friends called around, and they brough with them two other New Zealand friends who have been living in France for the past 2 years, so we all had a lot of catching up to do. Everyone except me got drunk, and one of the New Zealanders got very drunk, and it was very amusing.

I resolved to have a more productive day of vegetation on Saturday, but was forced to head into town to buy some skincare products on sale. But I returned early and baked some cookies that i couldn't smell were burning as I had lost my sense of smell, and made a big mess. I had just settled down to some serious bootie knitting (friends all having kids) when George and Sally and Imelda arrived, and we all went out for a Vietnamese meal. This was great, the restaurant is very close and food excellent. Besides, I didn't feel like cooking. They got drunk, it was fun.

Sunday - ahh, finally some house cleaning. Then a neighbour friend Jen dropped by during the ironing, then my friends Jims and Kev came over and we had tea and chats, followed by takeaway dinner.

All in all I knitted two sets of booties, cleaned the house and was reminded what a great bunch o friends I have!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Blokeb bose

So I apparently am sick. Jody and Mikl went away to to Araps, and although I was dissapointed to be missing out I was also looking forward to working really hard so I can get it out of my system and won't feel guilty leaving eary to spend timje with Jody when she gets back. But Nooooo, thats aparently not what fate has in stall for me - apparently I'm to spend two days with the flu and a nose so blocked I can't breathe or (god help me) taste any food.

To ease my pain I purchased a new set of knitting needles, some lilac baby wool, and a book of patterns for booties. Bloody friends having babies - hrumpf. Secretly happy they are as its a great excuse to knit new stuff. As I was in the store checking out the wool the owners dog came over and tried to hump my leg. I feel so violated! I ordered some sock colour too for another friend who wants "bright warm colour" so she feels extra toasty in winter in her socks. Her birthday is soon, so I'd better hurry up, although I think the booties will be quick.

I hope Mikl isn't wearing out Jody too much - he does try to climb a lot at Araps. I also hope Jody is having an awesome time - its so beautiful down there..

I'm trying to make my first sample in the lab today - I hope it works out, I'll get to see the "product" tomorrow. Fingers crossed...

Monday, March 06, 2006

The proposal is over!

I handed in the Evil Proposal Thursday last week and Jody and I did in fact get facials to celebrate and also for the hell of it. We hen caught a Sydney ferry to Manly and walked on the sand, then ate hot chips (fries) and tomato sauce (ketchup). Some friends came over for dinner (we have been doing a LOT of entertaining lately in an effort to introduce our friends to Jody) and drank champage (fake sparkling white at least) followed by copius amounts of red wine.

Saturday Jody and I went bouldering, which was awesome, with delphine my friend I haven't seen in ages who has transformed from skinny waif into boulder chick 3000 in the past two years, and then back home for a quick meal of stir fried kangaroo and then out to a(nother) meal with Kev and Mikl and us two , then off to Mardi Gras. We bought crates, and through some clever seat stealing by Jody got a brilliant vantage point to watch the parade from.

Sunday we went climbing, Blue Mountains. Back down this hill Sunday night and dinner with my friend Lesley who moved to Canberra but was in Sydney for the day, and some other mutual friends who live nearby. More champage and red wine.

Taday I have started RESEARCHING and its great. Its also my mums birthday, so I baked a cake last night and will deliver this with some flowers this evening. If Jody comes with she will get to experience OUT WEST. I have adequately warned her (not). She'll be OK (if she decides to come).

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Oh - I finished my other sock too, and have requests for a pair of booties and another pair of socks in a "happy warm" colour. Hmmm... Perhaps I can knit in meetings at work.

Jody is here!

So my friend Jody arrived from the States a few days ago. She is already all set up with her own room, phone, and a job working at the climbing gym. I, on the other hand, have been a bad hostess, and hiding at work until the wee hours. The "get money from the government" hellish proposal I'm writing is due in a few days and I've been running around seeing the important Uni people who are responsible for helping me get the best chance possible of success. It will all be over in a few days! I'm taking Friday off to celebrate and Jody and I will get facials...

We did sneak in a new route in the Blue mountains on Sunday though, it went at 19 (5-9+), 19, 17 (5-8+). The last pitch was ver loose. Mikl, Jody, and I went, and it was pretty fun, although Jody has been getting very sleepy early on, understandably so.

Back to the grindstone for me....